Health and Well being

The lifestyle choices we make even as adults can make a difference to our lives.  They can increase or decrease our chances of becoming ill as we grow older.  Even small changes can improve ones health and double their chances of staying healthy. Despite being at a higher risk, many  Africans in the UK lack the knowledge and awareness of these conditions while some do not perceive themselves to be at risk.  We are also aware that there are nuances in every community; each with their own attitudes, reactions and thought processes which may heighten the risk.

Our health and well being awareness programme will from time to time focus on different conditions that disproportionately affect Africans and  people of African origin in East Kent and UK.  These may include Type 2 diabetes, Stroke, Heart disease, HIV, Mental Health, TB and Sickle Cell Anaemia.

Karibu Kent is committed to offering  culturally appropriate interventions to raise awareness and improve knowledge of these conditions in the different communities in order to prevent or reduce further transmission and/or mitigate their effects.  In so doing , we hope to help Africans live more positive, healthier and productive lives.


Why is it important?

Differences in health of Black and to her minority groups compared to the rest of the population are well documented nationally through a significant amount of research conducted over the years.  These differences in health status are driven by inequalities in society.  Good health is shaped by many different factors such as lifestyle, income, educational attainment, job security, housing conditions, social networks, migration, racism, discrimination and poor delivery and uptake of health care services.  Patterns of inequality in health vary by ethnicity, from one health condition to the next and also between men and women as well as between geographic areas.

As much as the variation in health between and within BME groups can be explained by differences in socio-economic status, other discrimination, poor delivery and take up of health care, differences in culture and lifestyle, and biological susceptibility should also be considered.

WHY? Karibu Kent is committed to offering  culturally appropriate interventions to raise awareness and improve knowledge of these conditions in the different communities in order to prevent or reduce further transmission and/or mitigate their effects.  In so doing , we hope to help Africans live more positive, healthier and productive lives.


Why is it important?

Differences in health of Black and to her minority groups compared to the rest of the population are well documented nationally through a significant amount of research conducted over the years.  These differences in health status are driven by inequalities in society.  Good health is shaped by many different factors such as lifestyle, income, educational attainment, job security, housing conditions, social networks, migration, racism, discrimination and poor delivery and uptake of health care services.  Patterns of inequality in health vary by ethnicity, from one health condition to the next and also between men and women as well as between geographic areas.

As much as the variation in health between and within BME groups can be explained by differences in socio-economic status, other discrimination, poor delivery and take up of health care, differences in culture and lifestyle, and biological susceptibility should also be considered.

Culture and Heritage

What we do

Engage | Promote | support


We work collaboratively with our members and other organisations to promote health & wellbeing and cultural diversity, as well as share and celebrate cultural experience with local communities. 


We work to reduce inequalities in provision of services and celebrate achievements of individuals and groups. We provide opportunities for Africans to preserve their heritage and learn about other people’s heritage.  


Karibu Kent has a solid governance structure, including a board of elected and co-opted trustees and constitution.  It is managed by an independent board of seven members.

Our Volunteer Program

A voluntary organisation is as strong as the community that supports it. Together, we can do more than we can do alone.