What we do
We promote health and wellbeing, work to reduce inequalities in health and social care for all Africans and people of African descent, promote cultural diversity, share and celebrate cultural experiences with local community, promote and participate in research and work in collaborations that benefit our clients.
Community Outreach
We engage, in a culturally sensitive way, with African communities in places where they congregate to increase access to those who may otherwise not be reached by conventional means.
We provide a space for Africans to socialise and reduce loneliness. We also encourage members to forge networks outside of the events to feel supported.
We help service users understand, access and navigate the health & social care and community services that will improve their health and well being.
Cultural festivals
We want to preserve and share our heritage and culture with other communities through festivals and black history events.
We hold online and in person workshops to give people skills, information, raise awareness of health & social care issues and get feedback from the community.
We need volunteers to help us do our work. If you would like to volunteer with us, whether on a regular basis or one off, you will be welcome.
We work with main stream providers and other voluntary and community groups to forge links, build relationships so as to ensure that voices of Africans are represented.
Train and equip community members with the skills, understanding to promote community development and integration. Work with health and social care providers to improve their cultural competence.
We promote community based research to empower local communities to identify their needs at local level. This gives more control to those who live the experience to find solutions that ensure that projects and their impact are relevant and sustainable. We welcome research collaborations